Sedation dentistry in anchorage

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Mint Dental is one of the few practices with a qualified Sedation dentist who can provide sedation dentistry in anchorage, alaska for anxious patients

Why choose sedation dentistry?

Sedation dentistry isn’t a crucial part of any dental procedure. While most sophisticated procedures will definitely require local anesthesia, dentists typically only recommend sedation for the most complex and time-consuming treatments. However, that doesn’t mean that those treatments are the only time you could get sedation dentistry in Anchorage. If you have experienced anxiety during dental procedures in the past, next time, don’t hesitate to request sedation to make the process easier.

sedation dentistry in Anchorage is available for all anxious patients

What is sedation dentistry in Anchorage?

Sedation dentistry sounds like a simple-enough idea — sedating a patient to help relieve him or her of any anxiety caused by the visit. But the field can actually be very complex. There are many levels of sedation and types of anesthesia, and picking the best option, as well as figuring out a safe dosage, is a job that requires the skills of a certified professional.

In general, there are three levels of sedation that a dentist could bring you to during a visit:

  • Oral sedation which usually involves taking a pill that relaxes your body and mind;
  • Nitrous Oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas” which will make you feel completely relaxed but still awake;
  • Conscious sedation, during which you drift on the edge of consciousness but can be woken up if needed.

Note that sedation dentistry isn’t the same as your dentist applying a local anesthesia during a procedure; the former refers to medication that is designed to help patients susceptible to dental anxiety and the latter is a way to prevent patients from feeling pain during dental procedures. Any dentist is qualified to apply local anesthesia during a procedure, but only specially certified professionals can administer sedation dentistry to a patient.

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Frequently Asked Questions

More questions? We’re ready to help. Give us a call at (907) 646-8672 or book your appointment now.

Patients who experience fear of pain, needles, and the dentist should have sedation dentistry. People who have a strong gag reflex, high dental sensitivity, and pain concerns could also qualify. Patients who get nauseous from clinic smells, long dental procedures, and uneasy when sitting still for hours should also get sedation therapy. Your dentist at Mint Dental will determine which of the available types will help the patient most.

Sedation dentistry can come in a variety of forms, depending on the manner by which the anesthesia is administered to the body. Some of the most common mediums include:

Inhalation The inhalation of some gases like nitrous oxide (laughing gas) can induce the effects of minimal sedation.

Oral These are pills that can be taken before the procedure. While it might be easier to orally ingest the sedative, it’s not always best for your body. Dosages may differ to person to person, and it takes much more calculation to figure out the right dosage, leaving room for error. Plus there is the chance that the effects will wear off before the end of the procedure, and you won’t be able to take another pill if that happens.

Intravenous You can also receive the drug through an IV, a process that allows for the dentist to adjust the dosage during the procedure. Mint Dental has one of the few dentists in the state qualified to perform IV sedation.

Sedation calms and relaxes the patient. It's ideal for patients who have difficulty dealing with the dental procedure. The patient also receives an anesthetic to block the pain. Combining these two substances gives the patient a pain-free and relaxing dental procedure.

The patient may experience nausea and headache. There may also be dry mouth during or even after the dental treatment. Grogginess is a common side effect as well. The patient may also have short-term memory loss.

Our sedation dentist will review the patient’s medical history and determine which form of sedation will suit them

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