Taking care of our health is something we all recognize as vital, yet it’s easy to overlook dental checkups, especially if your teeth feel and look fine.
Perhaps you’ve moved on from a previous dentist and haven’t yet chosen a new clinic. Maybe you’re feeling a little anxious about sitting in the dentist’s chair or worried about the cost. Or it could be you’re struggling to find time in your busy lifestyle.
Whatever the reason, it’s crucial to establish a routine of regular dental visits. Why? Because regular dental checkups are paramount to maintaining long-lasting oral care and overall wellness. We’ll talk more about what happens in a checkup a little later, but first, let’s shed some light on preventive dentistry.
What is preventive dentistry?
Preventive dental care encompasses a combination of caring for your teeth at home with brushing and flossing, eating a healthy diet, and attending regular dental checkups. It’s a practice that ideally starts early in childhood and carries on throughout your life.
A dental checkup typically includes a dental exam by your dentist and teeth cleaning by a dental hygienist.
Why regular dental checkups are important
Routine dental checkups are important because they ensure no oral health concerns involving the teeth, gums, jaw, and inside of the mouth go unnoticed. It’s always best to detect such issues in their early stages and treat them before they worsen and become complex to treat and indeed, more costly.
Research indicates a strong link between oral health and overall well-being. For instance, gum disease is associated with conditions like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and strokes. That’s why our dentist checks for signs of gum disease during every visit.
In addition to gum disease, the dentist also screens for cavities, dry mouth, and oral cancer—issues that can significantly impact your health if left untreated. By staying on top of your preventive dental exams, you’re not just caring for your teeth—you’re looking after your entire body.
Let’s not forget the cosmetic benefits of a dental checkup. Your smile is the first thing people notice about you. Regular dental checkups ensure your smile is the best it can be and give you the confidence to show it off more.
Did you know that smiling triggers a chemical reaction in the brain that makes a person feel happier, reduces stress, boosts the immune system, and can even prolong your life? It’s true. Go on …. Try it.
How often should you have a dental checkup?
It used to be a rule of thumb to get your teeth checked out every six months but depending on your particular oral health, your dental visits could be more frequent or spaced further apart. Our dentists will recommend what’s right for you.
So now you understand the importance of a dental checkup, let’s look at what it entails.
What to expect during a checkup and clean
While dental check-ups may vary slightly from one clinic to another, they normally consist of the following steps:
Dental X-rays
If it’s your first visit to Mint Dental, we’ll need to ask some questions about your dental and medical history. We’ll also take a few X-rays to help assess your current oral condition and spot any issues, such as cavities or an impacted wisdom tooth, that may not be visible during an exam. Once you’re a regular patient, you may not always require an X-ray at every checkup.
Teeth cleaning
This is performed by a hygienist who will:
- Examine your gums for signs of disease. If advanced gum disease is detected, multiple visits might be necessary for deeper cleaning.
- Use a scaler, ultrasonic cleaner, or a combination of both, to remove tartar (hardened mineral buildup) from your teeth.
- Floss your teeth to eliminate plaque and food particles.
- Polish your teeth to remove stains, brighten your smile, and lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
- Provide an optional fluoride treatment to help protect against cavities
Simultaneously, the hygienist will take notes of any concerns they have regarding your teeth and gums. This information will be passed on to the dentist during the exam stage of the procedure.
Dental exam
A checkup is performed by one of our friendly dentists and involves
- Examining your teeth and gums to make sure everything looks healthy.
- Performing an oral cancer screening – it’s painless and only takes a minute.
- Checking for lumps in your neck, gums, and under the tongue.
- Developing a customized dental care plan tailored to your specific needs. For instance, if the dentist detects signs of gum disease or tooth decay, they’ll explain their observations and offer advice on how to manage it with daily oral care.
In certain cases, they may identify an issue that needs a specialist’s attention. For example, if there’s a concern with your bite or teeth alignment, you’ll be referred to an orthodontist.
How long does a dental checkup take?
Generally, dental checkups last about 45 minutes but this can vary depending on how long it’s been since your last checkup and the condition of your teeth.
Maintaining a healthy smile
Preventive care is your first line of defence against tooth decay and paves the way to healthy teeth and gums. This is why it’s important not to miss a dental checkup. Along with this, consider brushing or rinsing your mouth with water after every meal and avoiding overly sugary foods and drinks. Combining at-home preventive dental care with regular dental checkups will lower your risk of serious oral and medical issues.
Time for a dental checkup?
Schedule an appointment or call Mint Dental at (907) 318-1560 for a dental checkup at our office in Anchorage, Alaska.