Mastering Dental Visits: 7 Key Strategies To Beat Dental Fear

dental fear

For many people, the very thought of an upcoming dental appointment is sufficient to trigger feelings of stress and anxiety. At best, dental fear elicits feelings of nervousness before an appointment but at worst, anxiety can be emotionally crippling and overwhelming, often preventing patients from receiving the treatment they need and affecting quality of life. 

This emotional response, commonly referred to as “dental fear,” is typically triggered by past experiences, feelings of a loss of control or even, embarrassment, but can also be initiated by phobias like a fear of needles, a fear of clinical environments, or a fear of anesthetic.

So, how common is it?

Surprisingly, dental fear is more common than you might think. Studies show that approximately 36% of the population experiences some degree of dental anxiety, and 12% suffer from an extreme fear known as dental phobia.

While these causes are valid, they don’t have to be a barrier to getting the dental care you deserve. With this in mind, we’ll explore 7 practical strategies to help you manage and overcome fear, allowing you to prioritize your oral health without the stress. So let’s dive straight in…

1# Acknowledgement and Acceptance

Believe it or not, the first step to overcoming dental fear is to acknowledge that it exists. It’s okay to feel anxious about visiting the dentist – many people do. By recognizing your fear, it’s a great starting point in taking steps to manage it.

Try discussing your concerns with a trusted friend or family member, or even documenting those fears in a journal. When you acknowledge fear, the problem becomes easier to address and work through, rather than letting it control you.

2# Communicate with Your Dentist

Open communication with your dentist is essential. Before an appointment, it’s important to let the dental office know about your fears. Modern-day dental practices are trained to understand dental fear and Mint Dental here in Anchorage is no exception. Our team is trained to provide compassionate care to every patient, particularly those experiencing dental fear.

By informing us ahead of your visit, we’ll take extra time to explain procedures, offer breaks during treatment, or use techniques like gentle sedation to minimize discomfort.

If embarrassment is a trigger for your dental anxiety, you should know that we won’t judge you. We’re here to help. If something feels overwhelming during a procedure, please tell us. Your comfort and well-being are always our top priority.

3# Practice Relaxation Techniques

Did you know that when we’re anxious or nervous, stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline cause the muscles to tense, preventing our bodies from relaxing, and making the whole experience feel even more heightened? Before an appointment, try practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation.

Deep breathing, for instance, helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Activation sends a signal to your brain telling the opposing sympathetic nervous system (the part that readies you for a state of high alert) that everything is okay and to relax your muscles and heart rate. Doing so should reduce any feelings of anxiety.

Top tip –  Try a simple breathing exercise by inhaling slowly for four counts, holding your breath for four counts, and then exhaling slowly for four counts. Repeat this process until you feel calmer.

Research also suggests that calming visualization techniques work as a reliever for dental fear. For instance, imagine yourself in a peaceful place, such as a beach or a forest. This mental escape can help distract you and keep your mind at ease during the appointment. Also, consider listening to relaxing sounds like soft soothing music or the sounds of nature before a visit.

Essentially, these techniques are easy to do and can be practiced at any time and anywhere. 

4# Start with Simple Visits

If it’s been a while since your last dental visit, or if your fear is particularly strong, start small. Schedule a consultation or a simple cleaning rather than a more invasive procedure. These initial, low-stress visits allow you to rebuild trust with your dentist and become more comfortable in the dental office environment.

At Mint Dental, we provide a welcoming and calming atmosphere for all patients, making it easier for those with dental fear to begin their journey toward overcoming anxiety. If you prefer, you can even come and meet the team and see our relaxing environment before you commit.

5# Consider Sedation Dentistry

For individuals with severe dental fear, sedation dentistry can be a game-changer. Sedation techniques, such as nitrous oxide (also known as “laughing gas”), oral sedatives, or IV sedation, can help relax patients during dental procedures. With sedation, you remain awake but in a very relaxed state, allowing you to undergo any treatment without emotional stress.

At Mint Dental, we’re one of the few practices in Anchorage with a qualified sedation dentist who will work with you to give you the level of comfort you need.  We’ll help you to alleviate dental fear while providing a more comfortable experience. Talk to us about sedation dentistry at the time of booking.

6# Bring a Friend or Family Member

Having a trusted companion sit in with you can help ease dental anxiety. They can help you stay calm while providing emotional support and may even serve as a comforting distraction. This support system can make a significant difference in reducing feelings of fear while providing a sense of security throughout your appointment.

7# Reward Yourself Post-Visit

A great way to combat dental fear is something known as “positive reinforcement.” This is an effective and proven way to alleviate fear. Why? Because it gives you something pleasant to focus on after your appointment. Positive reinforcement is the idea that you reward yourself for overcoming anxiety and taking care of your oral health.

But what should that reward consist of?

The good news is that it doesn’t have to be expensive, or even, cost any money at all. Instead, it’s all about doing something that you see as favorable or nice – something to look forward to. It could be something small like treating yourself to your favorite meal or doing something relaxing like watching a movie or going for a walk, it doesn’t matter. What’s important is that it’s something you like to do.

The idea is that you’ll start to associate dental visits with positive outcomes. When you do this it’s possible to gradually shift your mindset from one of fear to one of accomplishment.

So there you have it – 7 key strategies for overcoming dental anxiety.

Don’t let dental fear stand in your way!

Dental fear doesn’t have to get in the way of your oral health. By taking steps to manage and overcome anxiety, a dental visit can become more comfortable and stress-free.

If you’re in Anchorage and looking for compassionate dental care, Mint Dental is here to help. Our team understands the real-life issues that dental fear causes and will do everything we can to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Schedule your appointment with Mint Dental in Anchorage today. Your future self will thank you!

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